rhetoric defines your company, product, and brand

KEYSTROKE offers a small array of services to individuals and companies. Previously working with several technology industry leaders, KEYSTROKE is proud to provide quality and individualized customer service [more].


Product Descriptions

Before customers consider purchasing products, descriptions are the only fluid interaction with the item. In a crowded digital marketplace the only chance to persuade a customer is with well constructed copy. From App Store descriptions to product line explanations, ensure the target audience is well informed. Most importantly, the customer must be able to vividly imagine using the product, without ever touching it.



With a specific set of customers who willingly opted to receive electronic newsletters or RSS syndications, messages to "fans" are specifically tweaked to engage their interests. It is important to prevent obtuse salesman comments or buzz words by avoiding a re-pitch to already enthusiastic customers. Keeping this audience updated on new products, sneak peaks, and the occasional special offer is suitable and necessary.


Business Letters

As a formal correspondence, business letters are written on behalf of the company to a specific person or audience. These communications may be a response to an elated customer's email or tweet.  In a more unfortunate event, letters may delicately explain policy to someone with a complaint. Other than the two provided extremes, business letters provide a traditional communication either electronically or hard copy and represent the brand and image of the company.


General Consulting

Social media, iOS applications, website workflow, and end user preferences.

Most importantly, front-end user experience will increase or hinder sales, site traffic, click-throughs, and downloads.  User experience on a given site or application is critical to increasing multiple page views, returning users, and average time spent on specific domains. Let KEYSTROKE walk through your site, marketing plans, social media expectations, or combination thereof to give a knowledgeable customer perspective. The site will be checked for navigation ease, consistent imagery and presentation, social media hooks, and other services tailored to each client.


Press Releases

Critical to marketing plans, press releases launch across multiple channels throughout a given industry. The short company preface and brief product announcement is often one of the few times a large portion of unsolicited consumers will view a particular item. Ensuring proper balance between product information and vilifying company introduction, the press release is paramount to a successful business-customer correspondence. 


Webpage Copy

General website prose leads the customer through the digital maze. Webpage copy is all written information that is not necessarily product related.  Specific sections may include: company histories; unique manufacturing processes; stories about current customers; or, introductions to new product lines. Often new web copy is combine with a newsletter or press release, ensuring the proper audience is notified to the changes or additional offers.


Corporate Blog Posts

Some websites use blog posts to offer a personal way to interact with the company. Often the blog sections are forgotten during the constant shuffle to provide copy for the products or main webpages. If quick posts are necessary, KEYSTROKE will provide blogging services on an per post basis.  Long term blogging projects are also available with per week or per month options.



If you are interested in discussing services with Keystroke, please feel free to use our contact form to ask questions and start a conversation about product copy.